Monday, 13 June 2011

Final Photos I chose

I chose this photo because I liked the way the subject is exactly centered. I like the contrast of the subject's skin to the background and the way she is presenting herself in the image. The way in which she is clasping onto the balled up bubble wrap could display how when you are fragile you try to hold on to things that you need most. Such as a need for something to distract you from pain and brokenness.

This photo is not all that nice to look at but the contrast of the background, the white face and the red tape is what stands out the most. I like how the subject is standing in a vulnerable position - empty handed. She stares up with her painted white face as if it is a call for attention. A call for someone to listen to her story. She doesn't represent herself but all human beings who have a story and long for everyone to hear it.
I liked this photo the most. I believe it is ironic in a way that she is smiling. She appears to be happy on the outside but perhaps hurt and fragile on the inside. I like the cracks that are showing in her face through the face paint. This wasn't my intention but it slowly happened over the process of taking the photographs. The cracks could represent the 'cracks' that all humans face and go through. It's as if the aching that is on the inside is shown in the cracks but it completely contrasts with the smile and the smile in the subject's eyes. Overall I think this photo tells my whole concept of fragility. That what we look like on the outside isn't always the same to how we feel inside.

I chose this photo because of the depth of field with the glass. I like that it is the main focal point and not the human. Generally we associate the broken glass image with the label fragile used on packages and boxes. This is why I used the glass and made it the main focus of one the photos. It is a recognizable image and it can be seen that a glass is fragile just like a human - easily breakable. I also like the composition of this image. It is off center slightly and her whole torso to top of the head fits in the image. 

I think this photo is very strong and that's why I choose it. Not strong in the message perhaps but the way it is presented. I like how the subject is centered and the contrast between her skin and the black background. It is a high angle shot and I was standing on a chair when taking this image. I like how it shows that she is 'small.' Feeling small takes a very big part in a human feeling like they are worthless and let down. I like how the fragile tape is across her mouth as if she is letting everybody know how she feels inside.

All Photos taken with wide angle lens and Nikon

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