Sunday, 11 September 2011

Adjusting the final artwork

2 of my boards without the full frames. I worked out compositions for them both and have glued them down. They are in a rectangular shape.

(if you click on the image, it becomes bigger) You will see how i have had to use the small stick like pieces to fill in the gaps. I need to create very small pieces now when I am finishing up my artwork to fill in the small gaps.
The boards are off the edge but I have to cut them with a saw so the frames will fit.
In this composition, there are combinations of big boards, square boards, rectangular boards that are cut in half and quaters and also small strips.
This was when I was figuring out the compositions. After many hours I finally fitted them altogether and glued it after i put the frames on the bottom to lift the artwork (the wood on the right)

Both of the artworks together.

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